Award wining live project - REFLEX exhibition

NOSSP - Niru Fernando, Omar Abdou, Shamima Ali, Priesh Devji and myself, have been chosen out of 6 group of exhibition designers to help exhibit the REFLEX installations.

Reflex Logo was officially designed by another award winning group from the graphics and branding department. The following are the members; Claire Green, Macs Crane, Talya Richmen, Parvin Kabir and Priscella Oduberu.


The initial concept was to project the interactive animation onto the selected wall in the provided space of the Gallery on College Lane Campus. The main aspect was intended to represent the flow of electricity generating the circuit board to perform its function; by showing. This will enable the spectators to feel like they are a part of a virtual environment.Meanwhile, there will be guidance in terms of leading towards exhibition. The lines will act as power lines connecting to each circuit (interactive media/gaming system installations}. These so called lines are a representation of how electricity flows from a main power source via wires/lines; this can be interpreted as data transmission, as a circuit board is a piece of hardware which enables various data to either connect or transfer between other hardware or entities.Tape on the other hand was applied instead, as the natural light that entered from the glass entrance was affecting this proposal to be possible. Therefore a solution was carried out by applying tape to create the initial design.

The following are the development process for the REFLEX exhibition


Projection came to be an issue during our exhibition set up. The UH Creative Arts Gallery brings in a lot of natural light, therefore resulting the projection to be faint on the wall. Alternative solutions were to purchase green tape and trace over the circuit lines onto the wall to accomplish the concept. 

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